Why does my website look bad on mobile

February 6, 2024

Your website looks bad on mobile for a couple of reasons. These are some common mistakes we have seen when redesigning client websites,

  1. Using fixed pixel values for elements like images and containers.
  2. Content was long and had duplicates.
  3. Images were not compressed.
  4. Collapsible menu was not utilised.
  5. Slow loading speed.

What is mobile responsive

"Mobile responsive" means designing a website or app so it looks and works well on different devices like phones and tablets. The idea is to make sure people can easily use it, no matter how big or small their screen is.

The goal is to create a smooth and easy experience for users, no matter what device they're using.

How can I make my website look good on my phone

Set max-width to 100% for images

Images and media should also adapt to different screen sizes. Using CSS techniques, such as setting the max-width property to 100% will ensure that

  1. Images will never be displayed larger than its actual size.
  2. Images will scale down proportionally when the screen size is reduced.
  3. Prevents images from overflowing their containers or breaking the layout on smaller screens.
  4. The aspect ratio of the image is maintained, so it doesn't appear distorted.
  5. Prevents horizontal overflow.
This is how to set your images max-width to 100% in CSS.

Use em or rem for font sizes

Font sizes and spacing should be defined in relative units, like em or rem. This ensures that

  1. Text remains readable on different devices and screen sizes.
  2. Consistent proportions are maintained throughout the design.
This is how you set font sizes using em in CSS.

Use compression techniques for images

Here are a few compression techniques you can use to improve your mobile website,

  1. Use image compression tools like TinyPNG, JPEG Optimizer, and ImageOptim.
  2. Save photographs or images with many colors in JPEG format.
  3. Use PNG format for images with fewer colors or transparency.
  4. Use SVG or WebP format for vector graphics or images with transparency.
  5. Use a CDN to deliver images to users from servers located closer to their geographic location.

These methods will ensure that your website loads faster without sacrificing quality.

Write concise copy

Lastly, review your website copy and

  1. Delete duplicate information.
  2. Break up long sentences into shorter sentences.
  3. Use bullet points.

This will help in reducing clutter on your website and create a more seamless look.


By using the following steps outlined above, we hope that you no longer face the issue of, "Why does my website look bad on mobile." If you have any other questions or need help in improving your website's mobile design, feel free to book a call with us!

Cheers, Joshua