Who can mange my website

February 13, 2024

There are 3 types of people who can go about managing your website.

  1. Yourself
  2. A Freelancer
  3. A Web development agency

Choosing any of these 3 methods will be dependent on your needs, technical expertise and budget.

4 common website maintenance tasks

Content Updates

Regularly updating content generally includes

  1. Adding new blog posts
  2. Updating product listings
  3. Refreshing images
  4. Modifying existing pages to reflect changes in services or offerings

These are essential steps to keep the website fresh and relevant.

Software Updates

Websites often rely on various software components such as

  1. Content management systems (CMS)
  2. Plugins
  3. Themes
  4. Scripts

Updating these components up to date is crucial for security, performance, and compatibility with new technologies.

Backup and Security Checks

Regularly backing up website data and performing security checks are vital for

  1. Protecting against data loss
  2. Hacking attempts
  3. Malware

This may involve implementing security patches, monitoring for suspicious activity, and ensuring that backups are functioning properly.

Performance Optimization

Optimizing website performance generally involve tasks such as

  1. Optimizing images
  2. Minifying CSS and JavaScript files
  3. Implementing caching mechanism

Completing the above steps helps ensure fast loading times and a smooth user experience.

How to update existing content on Wordpress (DIY)

Log into your WordPress website

If you are editing a Post

Step 1: Click on 'Posts' > 'All Posts'

Step 2: Find the Post you would like to edit and either click on the title or ‘Edit’ (which appears when the title is hovered over with a mouse)

Step 3: Make the changes you desire

Step 4: Click ‘Save Draft’ if you would like to come back later to work on the post more

Step 5: When you are ready, click ‘Publish

If you are editing a Page

Step 1: Click on 'Pages' > 'All Pages'

Step2: Repeat step 2 - 5 outlined above.

How to add new content on Wordpress (DIY)

Log into your WordPress website

If you are adding a new post

Step 1: Click on 'Posts' > 'Add new post'

Step 2: Make the changes you desire

Step 3: Click on 'Publish' on the top right hand corner

If you are adding a new page

Step 1: Click on 'Pages' > 'Add New Page'

Step 2: Make the changes you desire

Step 3: Click on 'Publish' on the top right hand corner

How to update Wordpress plugins (DIY)

Log into your Wordpress website.

Step 1: Click on 'Plugins' > 'Installed Plugins'

Step 2: Click on 'Updates Available' & update the available plugins

How to backup Wordpress website (DIY)

Log into your Wordpress website

Step 1: Click on 'Plugins' > 'Add new plugin' > Search 'updraftplus' > Click on 'Install now'

Step 2: 'Activate' plugin

Step 3: Click on 'Backup Now'.

How to compress images using Wp-Optimize (DIY)

Log into your Wordpress website

Step 1: Click on 'Plugins' > 'Add new plugin' > Search 'wp optimize' > Click on 'Install now'

Step 2: 'Activate' plugin

Step 3: Click on 'Image' tab > Select images > 'Compress' images

How to cache pages using Wp-Optimize (DIY)

Step 1: Go to 'Cache' tab > Select 'Enable page caching' > Click 'Save changes'

How to minify CSS and Javascript files using Wp-Optimize (DIY)

Step 1: Go to 'Minify' tab > Select 'Enable Minify'

How to hire a freelancer

To hire a freelancer,

  1. Go onto upwork
  2. Search for freelancer's that provide the above-mentioned maintenance tasks.
  3. Go through the freelancer's profile
  4. Choose base on your budget and skills required
  5. Create a upwork profile and hire

How to hire a web development agency

To hire a web development agency.

  1. Search for 'Wordpress website maintenance services'
  2. Go through the different companies
  3. Select the company base on your budget and requirements
  4. Contact the web development agency to find out more
  5. Sign a contract
If you need any recommendations or would like us to guide you in doing your own maintenance, feel free to book a call with us!


I hope this article has answered your question of, "Who can manage your website?". The above listed tasks is a good starting place to learn how to carry out your own maintenance as it will help ensure that your website is performant and user-friendly.

Cheers, Joshua

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