How to redesign a website using wordpress

February 8, 2024


To redesign a website using Wordpress for our clients, we use the following steps and templates. Here are the following steps:

  1. Set clear objectives
  2. Backup your website
  3. Copy your website onto a local development environment
  4. Choose and edit Wordpress theme
  5. Test mobile responsiveness
  6. Test core functionalities
  7. Migrate your website

By following these steps, we hope you will be make a transformation like we did for our client.

Set clear objectives

When you're redesigning something, figure out what you want to achieve. Often times, clients come to us with the following goals in mind,

  1. Making it easier for people to use
  2. Adding more features
  3. Giving it a new look

Having clear goals helps you know what you're aiming for and guides the whole redesign process. We use the following template below with our clients.

Click on the image to get a copy of our website redesign template.
Read more: Website design onboarding checklist

Backup Your Website

Once you have identified clearly what your goals are, make sure to back up your existing website. This ensures that you have a copy of your current site in case anything goes wrong during the redesign.

Click on the image to learn how to backup your Wordpress website.

Copy your website onto a local development environment

To protect your current website, it is best practice to redesign your website in a separate environment like a local development environment. This is essentially a copy of your current website that runs on your local computer. You can create local development sites using tools like Local or XAMPP.

Click on the image to learn how to create a copy of your website onto Local.
Read more: How to make an appealing website

Choose and Edit WordPress Theme

Once you successfully migrated your website onto Local, you can head over to Wordpress themes. Choose a WordPress theme that aligns with your objectives and design preferences. WordPress offers a wide range of themes, both free and premium. Choose one that is responsive and customizable.

Step 1: Open your local app and click on "WP Admin"

Step 2: Locate "Appearance" tab on your left sidebar and click on "Themes"

Step 3: Choose a theme and edit it

Test Mobile Responsiveness

Once you are satisfied with all the content changes you have made, remember to check that your website looks good on mobile as well.

Read more: Why does my website look bad on mobile

Test Core Functionalities

Test all website functionalities, including forms, buttons, and interactive elements, to ensure they work correctly. This step helps identify any issues that may have arisen during the redesign.

Migrate your website

Now that all your testing has been done, its time to migrate your newly redesigned website from local to live.

Click on the image to learn how to migrate your local website


I hope this article has answered your question of, "How to redesign a website using wordpress". If you need any help in redesigning your website, feel free to book a free consultation call with us!

Cheers, Joshua

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