How long should a landing page be

February 5, 2024

When clients come to us and ask us, "How long should a landing be?". We often reply,"However long it needs to be..." Rather than focusing on just the length, we should ask yourselves if the landing page answers the following questions:

  1. Does my landing page have a compelling hero section?
  2. Do my users know exactly what my offer/product is?
  3. Does my page inspire trust in users?
  4. Does my site have a strong Call-to-Action (CTA)?

We will be using a informational product landing page that we designed for a client as a case study. Let's dive in!

Does my landing page have a compelling hero section

The hero section is essentially the first piece of information visitors see when they click on your website. It is also know as above-the-fold content. To create a compelling hero section, you must

  1. Grab the users attention quickly with a compelling headline
  2. Provide a brief description of the benefits of your product/offer
  3. Have a clear primary call-to-action ( CTA )

By keeping these 3 points in mind, you will ensure that the visitor knows exactly what it is you are offering and encouraging them to stay on your page.

This is a informational landing page we designed for a client that demonstrates clear above-the-fold content.

Do my users know exactly what my offer/product is

Next, does your landing page have a product features section that explains your product offering? This section is crucial in

  1. Educating your users what your product is about.
  2. Why is your product unique?
  3. How does it solve their problem.

Include any high quality product images you might have to help your potential customer clearly understand what your product is about. Remember to keep your description clear and concise.

This is the product section of the informational landing page.

Does my page inspire trust?

To further encourage users to take action, we need to have some sort of trust element inside our landing page. It could be in the form of testimonials, reviews or an about section.

In our clients case, we had an about section of the Founder's profile.

Does my site have a strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

Lastly, we need to have a strong call-to-action (CTA) section to compel users to take the desired action. To create a compelling CTA needs 2 things,

  1. A headline that describes the dream outcome as a result of consuming your product/offer.
  2. A button that is "Action Oriented".
In our clients case, reducing cost and improvement in recovery is the dream outcome.


Whether its for lead generation or direct sales, using these questions will help guide you in creating a landing page that is long enough to

  1. Effectively communicate your message
  2. Capture attention
  3. Provide a sense of trust
  4. Easy process for users to get your offer

With the ultimate goal of increasing your conversion rate and thereby growing your business. I hope this article has answered your question of, "How long should a landing be?".

Speak to us today and we can draft up a plan together to create your landing page!

Cheers, Joshua