How long does it take to design a landing page

February 3, 2024


How long does it take a design a landing page

How long it takes to design depends on your project size, skills, and revisions. A simple landing page might take 1 to 2 days, but complex projects could take 2 weeks or more. We'll go through a recent client project to explain the factors we think about during design. Let's get started!

Key Takeaways

a. Factors Influencing Design Time

  1. Purpose of the landing page
  2. Size of the landing page
  3. Content Requirements
  4. Availability of brand assets
  5. Complexity of Design
  6. Review and Feedback Process
  7. Challenges and Workarounds

b. Summary

Factors Influencing Design Time

When you're designing something, it's crucial to understand the project. In this example, we'll explain how we created a landing page by using the factors we mentioned as a checklist.

Purpose of the landing page

Firstly, it's important to understand what is the purpose of your landing page? We start off our design process by asking ourselves the following questions.

  1. Who is the target audience?
  2. What are we trying to accomplish?

For instance, creating a simple lead capture page with the intent of collecting visitor's email addresses for a newsletter subscription is often times simpler and faster than developing an ecommerce product landing page that requires more text, product images and payment features to convert users into buyers.

Read more: What are the advantages of a landing page

In our case, the client came to us with the following goals:

  1. Showcase an innovative ankle stablilization device
  2. Explain the features of the product and its benefits
  3. Primary target audience is potential early-stage investors and small independent healthcare facilities
Tip: Before you start designing, figure out who you are speaking to, ie target audience, and what actions you want your users to take, ie newsletter subscription, booking an appointment etc.

Size of the landing page

Secondly, how can we tell if a landing page is a big project? Well, we generally check the amount of text. If there are more words, the landing page will be longer and bigger. In simple terms, more words = more time it takes to build and design the landing page.

In our case, the client wanted 2 pages:

  1. Main landing page
  2. Contact Page

The estimated total word count was around 200-300 words. If you would like to know exactly how many words are in your website copy, you can use the tool below by clicking on the image.

Source: WordCounter

Content Requirements

Thirdly, the content on your web page also affects how long it takes to design it. Creating engaging headlines and finding good images takes more time, but it's crucial for a successful landing page.

The following is a breakdown of the elements required on the landing page by the client:

  1. Header: Logo, tagline, and CTA.
  2. Hero Section: Image of the product, headline, and sub-headline.
  3. Value Propositions: Comfort, cost-effective production, and expertise.
  4. Testimonials: Presented in an elegant slider.
  5. Product Features: Highlighting breathable material, lightweight design, and optimal pressure.
  6. About the Company: Emphasis on the founder's expertise.
  7. CTA: Elevated language with bespoke button designs.
  8. Footer: Minimalistic with essential links and a unique brand emblem.

This is what it looks like on our design document that we fill out together with our client.

Doing this provides 2 main benefits

  1. A clear picture of what is to be designed in terms of colour, font, layout etc
  2. A simple and precise way for clients to communicate any changes they wish to make on any section
Read more: Website design onboarding checklist

Availability of brand assets

Next, having things like brand guidelines, logos, images, and fonts ready makes design faster. If you have to create or find these, it adds more time to your project.

The key brand elements from our client were:

  1. Color Palette: Deep Navy, rich gold accents and soft greys
  2. Typography: Elegant serif fonts for headlines and clean sans-serif for body text
  3. Imagery: High-resolution photos
  4. Logo: Not provided
  5. Layout: Generous spacing with an asymmetrical layout.
  6. Textures: Subtle background textures like linen or leather, with gold accents.
  7. Interactive Elements: Smooth transitions, elegant hover effects, and parallax scrolling.
  8. Content Presentation: Emphasis on storytelling, with a narrative about the brand and product.

These design elements are also part of our design document.

Complexity of Design

Here, we move to the design selection process. Picking a simple design with fewer visuals leads to a faster design completion. A more complex design with advanced features and animations will take longer.  

Think about whether your page is a B2C or B2B landing page; complexity can vary.

Based on our level of expertise and knowledge, we graded the level of difficulty as

  1. Low to moderate
We took about 2 weeks to design our first draft based on all the information we collected.

Review and Feedback Process

Lastly, client feedback time and the number of revisions will affect how long it takes to design a landing page. Clear communication with your team and clients is key to making this process smoother and meeting project requirements efficiently.

We broke down the review and feedback process into weekly check-ins via google meets and adjustments were made accordingly.

Challenges and Workarounds

There were a few challenges along the way that we faced. Namely:

  1. Absence of a logo
  2. Lack of high resolution product imagery
  3. No taglines

To overcome these obstacles, we used chatgpt for generating taglines and for creating the product images and logo.


So there you have it! We hope this post has helped you in better understanding the factors that affect how long it takes to design a landing page.

We strongly encourage you to create your own design document like we did and use it as a checklist. It will make the entire process more systematic and efficient

P.s If you have any questions regarding designing a landing page, feel free to book a call with us!

Book a call

Cheers, Joshua

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