Can I create a landing page without a website

February 3, 2024


"Can I create a landing without a website?" The answer is, "Yes, you can!". Platforms such as Wix, Canva now provide anyone with the ability to create a landing page with a few clicks. If you are a small business or someone thinking of starting a business, it might be better for you to start with a landing page first.

Why start with a landing page

Faster Time to Market

Landing pages are simpler and quicker to create than full websites. This allows you to get a basic online presence up and running faster, especially when time is a critical factor.

Read more: How long does it take to build a landing page

Focus on a Specific Goal

Landing pages are designed with a single, specific goal in mind (e.g., capturing leads, promoting a product, gathering feedback). This focus can help you refine your message and optimize for conversion without the distractions of a full website.


Building and maintaining a landing page is generally less expensive than a full website. This is particularly beneficial for startups or individuals with limited resources who want to test the market before investing heavily in a website.

Read more: How much does it cost to build a landing page

Ad Campaign Alignment

If you are running online advertising campaigns, directing traffic to a specific landing page that aligns with your ad content can improve the overall effectiveness of your campaigns.

Testing and Iteration

A landing page allows you to test different elements such as headlines, images, and calls-to-action to see what resonates best with your audience. This iterative process helps you refine your messaging before committing to a complete website.

Read more: 6 tips for creating landing pages that convert

Quick Feedback Loop

With a landing page, you can quickly gather feedback from users through contact forms, surveys, or other engagement methods. This information can be crucial in refining your approach before developing a larger website.

How to create a landing page

1. Define Your Goal

Clearly define the purpose of your landing page. Is it for lead generation, product promotion, event registration, etc.?

2. Choose a Platform or Tool

Select a platform or tool to create your landing page (e.g., Wix, Unbounce, WordPress, etc.).

3. Plan Your Content

Identify the key elements you want on your landing page, including headlines, subheadings, images, and a call-to-action (CTA).

4. Design and Layout

Use a clean and visually appealing design. Many platforms provide pre-designed templates that you can customize. Ensure that the design aligns with your brand.

5. Craft a Compelling Headline

Create a headline that immediately grabs visitors' attention and communicates the value of your offer.

6. Write Persuasive Copy

Craft concise and persuasive copy that highlights the benefits of your offer. Use bullet points, short paragraphs, and compelling language.

7. Add High-Quality Images and Media

Include relevant images or videos that enhance your message. Make sure they are high-quality and optimized for the web.

8. Create a Strong Call-to-Action (CTA)

Design a clear and compelling CTA button. It should stand out and clearly tell visitors what action you want them to take (e.g., "Sign Up," "Download Now," "Get Started").

9. Include Trust Elements

Build trust with your audience by including testimonials, reviews, trust badges, or any other elements that validate your product or service.

10. Mobile Responsiveness

Ensure that your landing page is optimized for mobile devices. Many users access websites and landing pages from their smartphones.

11. Publish Your Landing Page

Once you are satisfied with your landing page, publish it and make it live.

12. Promote Your Landing Page

Share your landing page on social media, through email campaigns, or any other relevant channels to drive traffic.

If you need help in creating a landing page, speak to us today!

What tools should I use to create a landing page

Website Builders

Wix: Wix allows you to create a single-page website or a landing page. It provides a drag-and-drop interface, making it easy for users without technical skills.

Weebly: Similar to Wix, Weebly is a user-friendly website builder that enables you to create a landing page quickly.

Read more: How to create a landing page on weebly

Landing Page Builders

Unbounce: Unbounce is a tool specifically designed for creating landing pages. It offers a range of templates and customization options.

Read more: How to create landing page in unbounce

Leadpages: Leadpages is another platform focused on building landing pages, with features for lead generation and conversion optimization.

Read more: Can you create a landing page on Canva

Social Media Platforms

Facebook: You can create a business page on Facebook and use it to create a landing page using their built-in tools.

LinkedIn: LinkedIn also allows you to create a company page where you can post information and links, essentially creating a landing page on the platform.

Email Marketing Platforms

Mailchimp: While primarily an email marketing platform, Mailchimp also allows you to create landing pages. You can use these pages for promotions, sign-ups, or other purposes.

Google Sites

Google Sites: You can use Google Sites to create a simple landing page. It's a free and easy-to-use platform that integrates with other Google services.


I hope this article has answered your question of, "Can I create a landing page without a website?".

If you need help in creating a landing page, speak to us today!

Cheers, Joshua