3 golden rules for maximizing landing page conversions

January 19, 2024


In this blog post, we are going to learn what are the 3 golden rules for maximizing landing page conversions. This is a process we use when designing landing pages for a client. It will help you answer these 3 questions:

  1. What should my main headline look like?
  2. What features/services should my page have?
  3. What type of CTA should I use?

By going through the following process below, you will be able to make faster and better decisions on how to maximize your landing page conversions. Let's dive in!

Key Takeaways

a. Do you have one target audience?

  1. What are your ideal customer's goals and values?
  2. What are your potential customers challenges and pain points?
  3. What common objections do they have?

b. Is your offer speaking directly to them?

  1. Does your offer align with their goals and values?
  2. Does your offer address their challenges and pain points?
  3. Does your offer satisfy their most common objections?

c. Does your page have one clear call-to-action (CTA)?

d. Summary

Do you have one target audience?

Write down who/what your customer avatar is. You could do this on a spreadsheet or on a piece of paper.

What are your ideal customers goals and values

Start by understanding the goals and values of your ideal customer. This would help you in

  1. Identifying which product or service you talk about in your landing page
  2. Highlighting the exact outcomes that they want as a result of consuming your product/service

This is what it might look like on a google doc.

Tip : Use the following worksheet above or any other Customer Persona template and start filling it out.

What are your potential customers challenges and pain points?

Following the example from above, consider what might be their challenges and pain points. In the case of Kelly, these might be some of her difficulties.

What common objections do they have?

Lastly, think about what are some common objections your customer might have. These are some common objections we might hear from Kelly.

After going through this exercise, you should have a clearer picture of what your ideal customer looks like in terms of their goals, challenges/pain points and common objections they might have. This allows us to go onto the next step and clearly identify if your current offer answers all of the above.

Is your offer speaking directly to them?

Does your offer align with their goals and values?

If we think about Kelly, the most suitable offer would be something along the lines of a weight loss program.

Tip: Include the goal of your ideal customer in the name of your offer.

Does your offer address their challenges and pain points?

Now that we have identified the name of our offer, we need to think about whether our product/service is able to address their challenges.

Does your offer satisfy their most common objections?

Lastly, does your offer include features/ways that satisfy their objections.

Tip: Include any case-study, reviews or social proof you have to further strengthen your offer.

Does your page have one clear call-to-action (CTA)?

This brings us to our final point. Does your website have a clear call-to-action? It might be signing up for a free trial, newsletter subscription etc.
In our weight loss program example, it might be a

  1. Sign up for a free trial program
  2. Early bird registration
Tip: Whatever your CTA might be, there should be only one on your page.


In summary, we are now able to answer 3 key things on our landing page:

  1. What should my main headline look like?
  2. What features/services should my page have?
  3. What type of CTA should I use?

With these 3 questions clearly answered, we can now design a landing page that has

  1. One target audience
  2. One offer
  3. One CTA

This will ensure that your landing page is maximized for conversions! Happy converting!

If you have any other questions related to redesigning/designing a landing page, we will be more than happy to speak to you!

Book a call

Cheers, Joshua

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